Direct Variation
@ Com m on C ore State Standards
A-CED.A.2 Cr eat e eq u at i o n s i n t w o o r m o r e v ar i ab l es
to represent relationships between quantities; graph
equat ions on coordinat e axes wit h labels and scales.
Also N-Q.A.2
M P 1, M P 2, M P 3, M P 4, M P 7
Objective To write a n d graph an eq u a tio n of a direct variation
As your distance
fro m lightning
increases, so does
th e tim e it takes
you to hear th e
|j 'I Getting Ready!
The diagram shows how long it ta k e s to h e a r thunder a f t e r you see
lightning. W h at general rule can you use to model th is situation? Explain.
lesso n
- direct variation
- constant o f
variation for a
direct variation
The tim e it takes to h e a r th u n d e r varies directly w ith th e distance from lightning.
Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g If th e ratio of two variables is constant, th e n the
variables have a special relationship, know n as a direct variation.
A direct variation is a relationship th a t can b e re p resen te d by a function in the
form y = kx, where k # 0. The constant of variation for a direct variation k is the
coefficient of x. By dividing each side of y y = kx by x, you can see th a t th e ratio of the
variables is constant: * = k.
To d eterm in e w h e th e r an eq u a tio n rep resen ts a direct variation, solve it for y. If you can
w rite th e eq u a tio n in th e form y = kx, where k + 0, it rep resen ts a direct variation.
Do these equations
look like ones you've
seen before?
Yes. They contain tw o
variables, so they're
literal equations. To
determine whether
they're direct variation
equations, solve fo r y.
Problem 1 Id en tifyin g a Direct V ariatio n
Does the equation represent a direct variation? If so, find the constant of variation.
O 7y = 2x O 3y + 4x = 8
y = 7X^2 *— Solve each equation for y. —> 3y = 8 - 4x
The equation h as th e form y= kx,
so the eq u a tio n is a d irect variation.
Its co n stan t of variation is y.
You ca n n o t w rite th e equation in the form
y = kx. It is n o t a direct variation.
G o t It? 1. D o e s Ax + 5y = 0 represent a direct variation? If so, find the constant of variation. j Lesso n 5- 2 Direct Variat io n 301