Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

How do you identify
the y-intercept?
The y-intercept is the
y-value when x = 0.
So the y-intercept is the
pressure at a depth o f
0 m.This is the starting
value, 1 atm.

S lope-intercept form is useful for m odeling real-life
situations w here you are given a starting value (the
y-intercept) a n d a rate of change (the slope).

Pr o b l em 6 Modeling a Function

Physics Water pressure can be measured in
atmospheres (atm ). Use the information in the
diagram to write an equation that models the
pressure y at a depth of x m e t e r s. W h a t g ra p h
models the pressure?
Step 1 Identify th e slope a n d th e y-intercept.
The slope is th e rate of change, 0.1 a tm /m.
The y-intercept is the starting value, 1 atm.
Step 2 Substitute th e slope an d y-in tercep t into the
slope-intercept form.
y = m x + b Use slo p e -in te rc e p t form ,
y = O.lx + 1 Substitute 0.1 for m and 1 for b.
Step 3 Graph the equation.
The y-intercept is 1. Plot th e p o in t (0,1).
The slope is 0.1, w hich equals -p,. Plot a
second p o in t 1 u n it above an d 10 u n its to
th e right of th e y-intercept. Then draw a
line through th e two points.

Go t I t? 6. A p lu m b er charges a $65 fee for a repair
plus $35 p e r hour. W rite an eq u a tio n to
m odel th e total cost y of a re p air th a t takes
x hours. W hat graph m odels th e total cost?

Pressure Underw ater

Lesso n Ch eck
Do y o u k n o w H OW?

  1. W hat is an e q u a tio n of th e line w ith slope 6 a n d
    y-intercept -4?

  2. W hat equation in slope-intercept form represents
    the line th a t passes through th e points
    (-3,4) and (2,-1)?

  3. W hat is th e graph of y = 5x + 2?


  1. Vocabulary Is y = 5 a linear equation? Explain.

  2. Reasoning Is it always, sometimes, or never t r u e t h a t
    a n equation in slope-intercept form represents a
    direct variation? Support your answ er w ith examples.

  3. W r i t i n g D escribe two different m eth o d s you can use
    to graph th e eq u a tio n y = 2x + 4. W hich m eth o d do
    you prefer? Explain.

c Lesson 5-3 Sl o p e - l n t e r c e p t Fo r m^311
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