^ Challenge 32. Forestry A forester plants a tree a n d m easures its circum ference yearly over the
r next four years. The table shows th e forester’s m easurem ents.
r— .....-............................... ^
Tree G row th
Time (yr) 1 2 3 4
Circumference (in.) 24 6 8
a. Show th a t th e d ata are linear, an d write an equation th a t m odels the data.
b. Predict the circumference of the tree after 10 yr.
c. The circum ference of th e tree after 10 yr was actually 43 in. After four m ore
years, the circum ference was 49 in. Based on this n ew inform ation, does the
relationship b etw een tim e an d circum ference continue to b e linear? Explain.
MP 2, M P 4
In th e Apply W hat You’ve Learned in Lesson 5-1, you show ed th a t there is a
linear relationship betw een the n u m b e r of m arbles in th e glass on page 293 an d
the height of th e water.
a. Choose two points from th e table at th e right, w hich shows
th e height of th e w ater in the glass w h en different n u m b ers
of m arbles are dro p p ed into it. Use the points to write an
equ atio n in slope-intercept form th at gives the w ater height
y as a function of th e n u m b e r of m arbles x in th e glass.
b. W hat does th e y-intercept of th e graph of your equ atio n
represent? W hat does th e slope represent?
c. Evaluate the function from p a rt (a) w h en x = 40. Does the
w ater height given by the function m ake sense? Explain.
W hat does the function value tell you ab o u t w h at w ould
h a p p e n if you d ro p p ed 40 m arbles in the glass?
[ Number of
1 M a r b l e s , x
Height of
Water (cm), y 1
3 6.9
5 7.5
9 8.7
14 10.2
(^17) 11.1
(^23) ,2 .9
3 2 0 Chap t er 5 Linear Funct ions