Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Thi nl c
What does the value
of the correlation
coefficient mean?
The correlation
coefficient of 0.996
is close to 1. So th e re
is a stro n g p o sitive
correlation between the
academic year and the
cost of attending college.

The tren d line th at shows th e relationship betw een two sets of d ata m o st accurately is
called the line o f best fit. A graphing calculator co m p u tes th e eq u a tio n of th e line of
b est fit using a m e th o d called lin ear regression.
The graphing calculator also gives you the
correlation coefficient r, a n u m b e r from

  • 1 to 1, th at tells you how closely the
    eq u a tio n m odels th e data.

I h e n e a re r r is to 1 or -1, th e m ore closely th e d ata cluster a ro u n d th e line of b est fit.
If r i s n e a r 1, th e d ata lie close to a line of b est fit w ith positive slope. If r i s n e a r — 1,
th e d ata lie close to a line of b est fit w ith negative slope.

Finding the Line of Best Fit

Co l l e g e Tu i t i o n Use a graphing calculator to find the equation
of the line of best fit for the data at the right. What is the
correlation coefficient to three decimal places? Predict the
cost of attending in the 2012-2013 academ ic year.
St e p 1 Press. From the ED I T menu, choose Ed i t. Enter
th e years into L t. Let x = 2000 rep resen t academ ic year
2000-2001, x = 2001 re p resen t 2001-2002, an d so on.
Enter the costs into L2.
St ep 2 Press Hi. C h o o s e L i n R e g ( a x + b) from th e CA LC
m enu. Press to find th e eq u a tio n of th e line of
best fit a n d th e correlation coefficient. The calculator
uses th e form y = ax + b for the equation.

Average Tuition and Fees
at Public 4-Year Colleges

iiip mm
2000-2001 3508
2001-2002 3766
2002-2003 4098
2003-2004 4645
2004-2005 5126
2005-2006 5492
2006-2007 5836

Source: The College Board

r= -1 r= 0 r = 1
I «......... -~-F~...— » I
strong negative no strong positive
correlation correlation correlation

R ound to th e n ea rest h u n d re d th. The eq u a tio n of th e line of best fit is
y = 409.43jc — 815,446.71. The correlation coefficient is a b o u t 0.996.
St e p 3 Predict th e cost of atten d in g in th e 2012-2013 academ ic year.
y = 409.43x - 815,446.71 Use t he eq uat i o n o f t he l i ne o f b est f i t.
y = 409.43(2012) - 815,446.71 Su b st i t u t e 2 0 1 2 for x.
y ~ 8326 Si m p l i f y. Ro u n d t o t h e n e a r e s t w h o l e n u m b e r.

The cost of atten d in g a four-year public college in th e 2012-2013 academ ic year is
predicted to be ab o u t $8326.


correlat ion
coefficient J Lesson 5-7 Scatter Plots and Trend Lines^339

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