Concept Byte
Use W ith Lesson 6-3
Matrices and
So l v i n g Sy st e m s
A matrix is a rectangular a rran g em en t of n u m b ers in rows a n d colum ns. I h e plural of
matrix is matrices. You will learn m ore ab o u t m atrix operations, including adding an d
subtracting matrices, in Chapter 12.
You can use a special type of m atrix, called an augm ented m atrix, to solve a system of
linear equations. An augm ented m atrix is form ed using th e coefficients an d constants
in the equations in a system. The equations m u st be w ritten in stan d ard form.
Augmented Matrix
7 6 10
_4 5 to 1
System of Equations
7x + 6y = 10
4x + 5y = -5
Recall th e operations you p erfo rm ed w h en you solved system s using elim ination. You
can perform sim ilar operations on th e rows of a n a u g m en te d matrix.
You can perform any of th e following row operations on an au g m en ted m atrix to
p roduce an equivalent au g m en ted m atrix.
Common Core State Standards
Extends A-REI.C.6 Solve systems of linear
equations exactly and approximately (e.g., with
graphs), focusing on pairs of linear equations in
tw o variables.
MP 6
Interchange two rows.
Multiply a row by any constant except 0.
Add a m ultiple of one row to a n o th er row.
To solve a system using an a u g m en ted matrix, choose row operations th a t will
transform the au g m en ted m atrix into a m atrix w ith l 's along th e m ain diagonal (top
left to lower right) a n d 0’s above an d below th e m ain diagonal, as show n below.
76 10 4 5 - 5
_4 5 —5_ _7 6 10_
~7 6 10 "7^610 ~7^610
_4 5 —5 _ _2(4) 2(5) 2 (—5)_ _8^10 —1 0 _
~7 6 10~ 7 + 2(4) 6 + 2(5) 10 + 2 (--5)~^15 160
_4 5—5_^45 -5 _^5 —5 _
1 's along the
main diagonal
0 ’s elsewhere
Co n st a n t s
on t he right
PowerAlgebra.comIfc J Concept ByteMatrices and Solving Systems