Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Fo u n d at i o n s

for Algebra

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Ch ap t er Pr ev i ew
1-1 Variables and Expressions
1-2 Order o f O perations and Evaluating
1-3 Real Num bers and the N um ber Line
1-4 Properties of Real Numbers
1-5 Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers
1-6 M ultiplying and Dividing Real Num bers
1-7 The D istributive Property
1-8 An Introduction to Equations
1-9 Patterns, Equations, and Graphs

BIG ideas
Essen t i al Q u est i o n How can you
represent q u a n titie s, patterns, and
Pro p ert ies
Essen t i al Q u est i o n How are properties
related to algebra?

Math definitions
in English and

Online access
to stepped-out
problems aligned
to Common Core

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and review


English/Spanish Vocabulary Audio Online:

additive inverse, p. 32 inverso aditivo
algebraic expression, p. 4 expresion algebraica
coefficient, p. 48 coeficiente
equivalent expressions, p. 23 ecuaciones equivalentes
evaluate, p. 12 evaluar
integers, p. 18 numeros enteros
like terms, p. 48 terminos semejantes
order of operations, p. 11 orden de las operaciones
real number, p. 18 numero real
simplify, p. w simplificar
term , p. 48 term ino
variable, p. 4 variable


  • Quantities

  • Seeing Structure in Expressions

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