Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Ex p o n e n t i a l Gr o w t h

and Decay

Objective To m odel exponential growth a n d decay

Common Core State Standards
F-IF.C.8b Use the properties of exponents to
interpret expressions for exponential fu n ctio n s...
A ls o A-SSE.B.3C, A -C E D .A .2 , F-LE.A.1c, F-LE.B.5
M P 1, M P 2, M P 3, M P 4, M P 8

" ' Getting Ready! « x C


The h alf - lif e of a radioact ive subst ance is t he length
of time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample of
the substance to decay. The half-life of uranium-238
is 4.46 x 109 yr.
Su p p o se y o u h av e a sam p l e o f 1 0 0 0 u r a n i u m - 2 3 8
at om s. How many at om s of uranium -238 ar e l ef t af t er
1.338 x 1010 yr? Explain your reasoning.

Try a simpler
problem. How many
atoms are le ft a fte r
4.46 x 109 years?
Will the result
fo r 1.338 x 1010
be g re a te r or less
than th e re su lt fo r
4 .4 6 x 109 y e a rs? .......................................................
mathematical In th e Solve It, the n u m b e r of uranium -238 atom s decreases exponentially. In this
PRACTICES lesson, you will use exponential functions to m odel sim ilar situations.

Essent ial Und er st and ing An exponential function can m odel growth or decay
of an initial amount.

growth factor
decay factor

Key Concep t Exponential Growth

Exponential grow th can be m odeled by th e function
y= a • bx, where a > 0 and b > 1. The base b is the
growth factor, w hich equals 1 plus the p ercen t rate of
change expressed as a decim al.


in itial a m o u n t (w hen x = 0)


The base, w hich is g re a te r
th a n 1, is th e grow th factor.

460 Ch ap t er 7 Ex p o n e n t s a n d Ex p o n e n t i a l Fu n c t i o n s

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