Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pr o b l em 3 M odel i ng Exp o nent i al Decay

Will the pressure ever
be negative?
No. The range o f an
exponential decay
fu n c tio n is all p o sitive
real numbers. The graph
of an exponential decay
function approaches but
does not cross the x-axis.

Physics Ihe kilopascal is a unit of measure for atmospheric pressure. The
atmospheric pressure at sea level is about 101 kilopascals. For every 1000-m increase
in altitude, the pressure decreases about 11.5%. What is the approximate pressure at
an altitude of 3000 m?

y = a • bx Use an exponential function.

L e tx = th e altitude (in th o u sa n d s of m eters).
L ety = th e atm o sp h eric p re ssu re (in kilopascals).
Let a = the initial p re ssu re (in kilopascals), 101.
Let b = th e decay factor, w hich is 1 - 0.115 = 0.885.
Write y = 101 • 0.885*

Use th e eq u a tio n to estim ate th e p ressure at an altitude of 3000 m.
y = 101 • 0.885*
= 101 • 0.885! Substitute 3 fo r x.
~ 70 Round to the nearest kilopascal.
The pressure at an altitude of 3000 m is ab o u t 70 kilopascals.

Got It? 3. a. W hat is th e atm o sp h eric pressure at an altitude of 5000 m?
b. Reasoning Why do you subtract the p ercen t d ecrease from 1 to find the
decay factor?

Lesso n Ch eck

Do y o u k n o w H OW?

  1. What is the growth factor in the equation y = 34 • 4*?

  2. What is the initial am ount in the function y = 15 • 3*?

  3. What is the decay factor in the function y = 17 • 0.2*?

  4. A population of fish in a lake decreases 6% annually.
    W hat is th e decay factor?

  5. Suppose your friend’s paren ts invest $20,000 in an
    account paying 5% interest c o m p o u n d ed annually.
    W hat will th e balance be after 10 yr?

6. V o c a b u l a r y How can you tell if an exponential
function m odels grow th or decay?

  1. Reasoning How can you simplify the compound
    interest form ula w h en th e interest is com pounded
    annually? Explain.

  2. E r r o r A n a l y s i s A stu d en t deposits $500 into an
    acco u n t th a t earns 3.5% interest com p o u n d ed
    quarterly. D escribe an d correct th e stu d e n t’s error
    in calculating th e acco u n t balance after 2 yr.

c I Lesso n 7- 7 Ex p o n e n t i a l Gr o w t h an d D ecay 463
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