Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Sports In a single-elim ination to u rn a m e n t starting w ith 128 team s, half of the
    rem aining team s are elim inated in each round.
    a. Make a table, a scatter plot, an d a function rule to rep resen t th e situation.
    b. Is it possible for 24 team s to rem ain after a round? W hich rep resen tatio n in
    p art (a) m ade it the easiest to answ er th e question?
    c. W hat is th e dom ain of th e function? W hat does th e do m ain represent?
    d. How m any team s will be left after 5 rounds?

  2. Car Value A family buys a car for $20,000. The value of th e car decreases about
    20% each year. After 6 yr, th e family decides to sell th e car. Should they sell it for
    $4000? Explain.

  3. Think About a Plan You invest $100 a n d expect your m on ey to grow 8% each year.
    About how m any years will it take for your investm ent to double?

  • W hat function m odels th e grow th of your investm ent?

  • How can you use a table to find th e approxim ate a m o u n t of tim e it takes for your
    investment to double?

    • How can you use a graph to find th e approxim ate a m o u n t of tim e it takes for
      your investment to double?

  1. Reasoning Give an exam ple of an exponential function in th e form y = a • bx
    th at is n e ith e r an exponential grow th function n o r an exponential decay function.
    Explain your reasoning.

State whether each graph shows an exponential growth function, an
exponential decay function, or neither.

  1. Use a table an d a scatter p lot to answ er each question.
    a. You play a game of m usical chairs in which 32 players start an d you remove
    2 chairs in each round. How m any rou n d s will you play before two players are left?
    b. In a n o th er gam e of m usical chairs, you take away half of th e chairs each time.
    If th e gam e begins w ith 32 players, how m any rounds will it take to get dow n to
    two players?
    c. Will a gam e w here you rem ove h a lf of th e chairs always en d m ore quickly th a n
    one in w hich you take th e sam e n u m b e r of chairs each tim e? Give an example.

  2. Business Suppose you start a law n-m ow ing business a n d m ake a profit of $400 in
    th e first year. Each year, your profit increases 5%.
    a. Write a function th a t m odels your an n u a l profit.
    b. If you con tin u e your business for 10 yr, w hat will your total p ro fit be?

L “ Lesson 7-7 Exponential Growth and Decay 465
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