Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Im ag in e w orking p ar t t im e at a clot hing
st o r e. Each w eek a co at d oesn' t sel l ,
its price is marked down 20%. W hat
will t he sale price f o r t he coat shown
at t h e r i g h t b e a f t e r t h r ee w eek s?

@ Common Core State Standards
F-BF.A.2 Write... geometric sequences both recursively
and w ith an explicit formula, use them to model
situations, and translate between the tw o forms. Also
F-BF.A.1a, F-LE.A.2

Geo m et ric Seq u en ces

Objective To w rite a n d use recursive form ulas for geom etric sequences

Getting Ready!

What happens as
a n u m b e r g ro w s
or shrinks by the
same fa c to r? T ry
it here, and this
lesson w ill show
you an easier way
to fin d out.

PRACTICES t^ie Solve It, th e sales prices form a geometric sequence.

^ Lesson i

Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g In a geom etric sequence, th e ratio of any term to its
preceding term is a co n stan t value.

Key Concept Geometric Sequence

A geom etric seq u en ce w ith a starting value a and a common ratio ris a sequence of the form
a, ar, at2, ai3 ,...
A recursive definition for th e seq u en ce h as two parts:
aY = a Initial condition
an = an_ 1 • r, for n > 2 Recursive formula
An explicit definition for this seq u e n ce is a single form ula:
a„ = a l • rn~ l , for n > 1
Every geom etric seq u en ce h as a starting value an d a c o m m o n ratio. The starting value and
co m m o n ratio define a u n iq u e geom etric sequence.

c | Lesso n 7- 8 Geo m et r i £Seq u en ces 467
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