Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7-1 Zer o an d N eg at i v e Ex p o n en t scpor

Quick Review
You can use zero an d negative integers as exponents.
For every nonzero n u m b e r a, a0 = 1. For every nonzero
number a an d any integer n, a~n = jy,. W hen you evaluate
an exponential expression, you can simplify the expression
before substituting values for th e variables.

What is the value of a2b~4c° for a = 3, b = 2, and
c= -5?

a2b 4 c° = b4
A 1)

  • 24

Use the d e fin itio n o f negative exponents.

Use th e d e fin itio n o f zero exponent.



Simplify each expression.

  1. 8 .4x


  1. 7“ 2

  2. p2q 4r°

Evaluate each expression for x = 2, y

  1. x°y2

  2. x°z° 13. %

— 3, and z = — 5.

  1. ( - x ) - y

  2. y-2,2 15. 2x

  3. Reasoning Is it true th at ( - 3b)4 = -1 2 b 4? Explain
    why or why not.

7-2 Multiplying Powers Wit h the Same Base

Quick Review Exercises \
To multiply pow ers with th e sam e base, ad d the exponents. Complete each equation. j
am • an = am+n, w here a + 0 and m and n are 17. 32 • 3 = 310 18. a6 • am = a8
real n um bers
... 11 Ifn „,I| 1 ||I |«, ||---- Ittrn--...-------------r-ir* n-iTmrxar i r-r-r >•- -----__,.................... - -A 19. x 2v5 • x y = x 5y41^20. ah • a = a



' II
rsiT— * 22. mw • m n = mm

What is the simplified form of each expression? Simplify each expression.
a. 310 • 34 = 310+4 = 314 23. 2d2^ • d^3 24. (x3)(x4)

b. («4)(a3) = a4+3 = a‘

  1. (x3y5)(-y 7x) 26. (si)(sl)

c. (xi)(xs) =X^+5 = X 5

  1. {psq){qip) 28. 2mm2 • 3mm

d.(b«)(b^) = b?+5 = b4+4 = b?

  1. Estimation Each square in ch of your body has about
    6.5 X 102 pores. Suppose th e back of your h a n d has
    a n area of ab o u t 0.12 X 102 in.2. About how m any
    p ores are on the back of your hand? W rite your
    answer in scientific notation.
    t__ ____ J

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