Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A tank cannot have a negative width, so only the positive square root
makes sense. The tank will have a width of about 8.4 ft.

@ 0 Got It? 3. a. Suppose the tank in Problem 3 will have a height of 4 ft and a volume of
500 ft3. What is the width of the tank to the nearest tenth of a foot?
b. Reasoning What are the disadvantages of using a graph to approximate
the solution to Problem 3? Explain.

How can you w rite
the length o f the
The le n g th i is tw ic e th e
width w, so w rite the
length as 2 w.

You can solve some quadratic equations that model real-world problems by finding
square roots. In many cases, the negative square root may not be a reasonable solution.

Ch o o si n g a Re a so n a b l e So l u t i o n 6RIDDED RESPONSE
Aquarium An aquarium is
designing a new exhibit to
showcase tropical fish. The
exhibit will include a tank
that is a rectangular prism
with a length € that is twice
the width w. The volume of^
the tank is 420 ft3. What is
the width of the tank to the
nearest tenth of a foot?

V= Iwh Use th e fo rm u la fo r volum e o f a rectangular prism.
420 = (2w)w{3) Substitute 420 for V, 2 w fo r €, and 3 fo r h.
420 = 6w2 Simplify.
70 = w2 Divide each side by 6.
± V70 = w
± 8.366600265 « w

Find the square roots o f each side.
Use a c a lc u la to r.

Lesso n Ch eck

Do yo u k n o w H OW?

Solve each equation by graphing the related function or
by finding square roots.

  1. x2- 25 = 0

  2. 2x2 -8 = 0

  3. t2^144

  4. y2 - 225 = 0


  1. Vocabulary What are the zeros of a function? Give an
    example of a quadratic function and its zeros.

  2. C o m p a r e a n d C o n t r a s t When is it easier to solve
    a quadratic equation of the form ax2 + c = 0 using
    square roots than to solve it using a graph?

  3. Reasoning Consider the equation ax2 + c = 0,
    where a + 0. What is true of a and c if the equation
    has two solutions? Only one solution? No solutions?

c | Lesso n 9-3 So l v i n g Q u a d r a t i c Eq u a t i o n s 563
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