Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Activity 4

  1. What are the zeros of the quadratic function at the right?

  2. Write a quadratic function with the zeros you found in Exercise 14. Does your
    function match the graph at the right? Explain.

  3. Let a ¥= 0 and a + 1. If you multiply the function you found in Exercise 15 by a,
    you have a new function. What are its zeros?

  4. Letg(x) be the function you found in Exercise 15 times some number a, where a + 0
    and a + 1. If g(x) represents the graph at the right, what must a be? Explain.

  5. Using the value of a that you found in Exercise 17, write g(x) in standard form.
    19. Using a graphing calculator, verify that g(x) matches the graph at the right.

Activity 5

  1. Write a quadratic function with zeros -1 and 8.

  2. How can you write other quadratic functions that have the same zeros? Explain.

  3. Now write two other quadratic functions with the same zeros.

  4. Compare and Contrast Use a graphing calculator to graph all three functions
    on the same screen. Describe what is the same and what is different about the

  5. Reasoning How can you write a quadratic function with zeros -1 and 8
    with a graph that opens down? Make a conjecture about how to write a quadratic
    function with a graph that opens down. Explain your reasoning.

574 Concept Byt e Writing Quadratic Equations

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