Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Got It? 3. Find the vertex of each parabola using the method of completing the square.
a. y = x2 + 4x + 10 b. y = x2 + 12x + 34

The method of completing the square works when a = 1 in ax2 + bx + c = 0. To solve
an equation when a # 1, divide each side by a before completing the square.

Pr o b l em 4

Th i n k
Why do you need to
find 1 ( f )?

To make a perfect-square
trin o m ia l on th e le ft side
of x2 + |x = 32, find
^j.Then square the
result and add to each
side o f the equation.

Co m p l et i n g t h e Sq u a r e W h e n a ^ 1
Gardening You are planning a flower
garden consisting of three square plots
surrounded by a 1-ft border. The total area
of the garden and the border is 100 ft2.
What is the side length x of each square plot?

  • Area of garden and border

  • Expressions fo r th e d im e n sio n s o f th e garden
    and border.

^5 Red tulips Yellow tulips

The side length x o f each
square plot

Write and solve an equation that
relates the dimensions and area of
the garden and border.

Step 1 Write an equation that you can use to solve the problem.
(3x + 2)(x + 2) = 100 Length X Width = Area
3x2 + 8x + 4 = 100 Find the pro d u ct (3x + 2)(x + 2).

3x2 + 8x = 96
XZ + gX = 32

Step 2 Complete the square.

x2 + |x + y = 32 + y
I , 4 I 2 _ 3 0 4
[X 3 J 9
S te p 3 Solve the equation.

Subtract 4 from each side.
Divide each side by 3.

Add 11 j 2, or y , to each side.

Write left side as a square and right side as a fraction.

x + l = + ./ 3 0 4X -r 3 - V g

X +

X +



Find square roots o f each side.

Use a c a lc u la to r to a p p r o x im a te \ /


x + -5.81 Write as two equations.
-7.14 S olve f o r x.
The negative answer does not make sense in this problem. So the side length of each
square plot is about 4.48 ft.

578 Ch ap t er 9 Quadratic Functions and Equations
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