A diagram can help
you understand
th is situation. U se
a straigh t path.
Getting Ready!
Geb can run th e d istance betw een his
house and Katy's in 20 min. Katy can
bicycle to Geb's house in 10 min. Geb
runs tow ard Katy's house while Katy
bicycles toward Geb's house. How long
will it be b e fo re th e y m eet on th e
road? Justify your reasoning.
rational equatio n
A ratio n al eq u atio n is a n e q u a tio n th a t contains one or m ore rational expressions.
Esse n t i a l U n d e r st a n d i n g You can solve a rational eq u a tio n by first m ultiplying
each side of th e eq u a tio n by th e LCD. W hen each side of a rational e q u a tio n is a single
rational expression, you can solve th e eq u a tio n using th e Cross P roducts Property.
@ Common Core State Standards
A-CED.A.1 Create equations... in one variable and use
them to solve problems. Include equations arising fro m...
sim ple r a tio n a l... functions. Also A-REI.A.2
MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4
Objective To solve rational eq u atio n s a n d proportions
Solving Rational
Solving Equations W ith Rational Expressions
Have you seen an
equation like this
Yes. In Lesson 2-3, you
solved equations that
contained fractions.
As you did there, you
can clear the fractions
from the equation by
multiplying by a common
W hat is th e so lu tio n o f ^ ^ C heck th e so lu tio n.
5 ____]_ = J _
12 2 x 3x
12 x(l 2 2 x) 12x (3x)
l ^ x f ^ y - Distributive Property
5x — 6 = 4 Simplify.
5x= 10
x = 2
The denom inators are 1 2 ,2x, and 3x. The LCD is 12x.
M u ltip ly each side by 12x.
Add 6 to each side.
Divide each side by 5.
Che£k ft-2 ^ -3k Seeifx = 2makeS^
1 1 „
12 2 x - 3 x t r u e -
Po w er A lg eb r a.co m Lesson 11-5 So l v i n g Ra t i o n a l Eq u a t i o n s^691