Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
^ Challenge Graph each function. Include a dashed line for each asymptote.
r X 1
45- § W = A 46‘ 3/ = (x-1)2

4 7 - y=(x- 2)(x + 2) 4 8 ‘ y = x2-2x

  1. Graph f{x) = ^ '''jf+V' ^ anc^ S(x) = * + 1. Are the graphs the same? Explain.

Apply What You've Learned (1 ^ practices
MP 2, MP 5
In the Apply What You’ve Learned in Lesson 11-4, you wrote a rational expression
for the surface area of the lunch box described on page 663.
a. Write the equation of a rational function that gives the surface area S(x) of the lunch
box in terms of x.

b. Graph the function on a graphing calculator. Describe a viewing window that shows
the full shape of the graph for x > 0.
c. Use your graphing calculator to find the coordinates of the minimum point of the
function when x > 0. Round to the nearest hundredth.
d. What does the minimum point tell you?

712 Ch a p t er 11 Rat i o n al Ex p r essi o n s an d Fu n ct i o n s

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