Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
To sol ve t h ese
you will pull
together many
concep t s and
sk i l l s t h at you
have st udied
about rat ional
exp ressions
and f u n ct i o n s.

Co m p l e t i n g t h e Pe r f o r m a n c e Task
Look back at your results from the Apply What You've Learned sections in Lessons 11-1,
11-4, and 11-7. Use the work you did to complete the following.

  1. Solve the problem in the Task Description on page 663 by finding the dimensions
    Sandra should use for the lunch box. Round the dimensions to the nearest hundredth
    of an inch. Show all your work and explain each step of your solution.

  2. Reflect Choose one of the Mathematical Practices below and explain how you applied
    it in your work on the Performance Task.
    MP 2: Reason abstracdy and quantitatively.
    MP 4: Model with mathematics.
    MP 5: Use appropriate tools strategically.

On Yo u r Ow n
Sandra decides to alter the design of the rectangular lunch box so that one dimension of the
bottom of the box is 1.25 times the height of the box, as shown in the diagram below. She
still wants the volume of the box to be 355 in.3.

A 25x

a. Find the minimum amount of cardboard needed to make the box. Round to the
nearest square inch.
b. What are the dimensions of the box that uses the minimum amount of cardboard?
Round the dimensions to the nearest hundredth of an inch.

714 Ch ap t er 11 Pu l l I t A l l T o g e t h e r

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