Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Wildlife Management A wildlife manager measured and tagged twelve
    adult male crocodiles. The data he collected are at the right. He estimates
    the crocodiles will grow 0.1m each year. What will be the mean, median,
    mode, and range of the crocodiles’ lengths after 4 yr?

Cr o co d ile Lengt hs (m)

  1. Reasoning A friend tells you to apply for a sales job at a certain company
    because the salespeople earned an average of $47,500 last year. Last year,
    6 salespeople earned $33,000,3 earned $46,000, 2 earned $42,000, and 1 earned
    $150,000. Would you apply for the job based on what your friend says? Explain.
    ft Challenge 29. Travel During the first 6 h of a car trip, your average speed is 44 mi/h. During the
    last 4 h of your trip, your average speed is 50 mi/h. What is your average speed for
    the whole trip? (Hint: First find the total number of miles traveled.)

  2. Find the mean, median, mode, and range of the following algebraic expressions:
    9x, 4x, llx, 7x, 5x, 4x. Assume that x > 0.

2.4 2.5

  • 2.5 2.3
    2.8 2.4 2.3 2.4
    2.1 2.2 2.5 2.7

Apply What You've Learned

Look back at the August rainfall data on page 725. Choose from the following
words and numbers to complete the sentences below.

MP 6

mean median mode range

outlier 2.4 2.5 3.3

3.74 4.05 4.2 4.5

For Oakville, the mean August rainfall is a. _?_ in., and the median August
rainfall is b. _?_ in. The c. J_ of this data set is 4.2 in. The data value 15.1 is
a(n) d.?. The measure of central tendency that best describes this data set
is the e.?.

For Fairview, the mean August rainfall is approximately f. _?_ in., and the
median August rainfall is g. J_ in. The h. of this data set is 3.3 in.

744 Chapter 12 Data Analysis and Probability

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