Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses practices

Pr act i ce Find the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum of each
data set.
8. 12 10 11 7 9 10 5 9. 4.5 3.2 6.3 5.2 5 4.8 6 3.9 12

  1. 55 53 67 52 50 49 51 52 52 11. 101 100 100 105 101 102 104

Make a box-and-whisker plot to represent each set of data.

  1. song lengths (s): 227 221 347 173 344 438 171 129 165 333

  2. movie ratings: 1 5 1 2.5 3 2 3.5 2 3 1.5 4 2 4 1 3 4.5

  3. weekly museum visitors: 531 469 573 206 374 421 505 489 702

  4. camera prices: $280 $220 $224 $70 $410 $90 $30 $120

  5. Fuel Use Use the box-and-whisker plots below. What do they tell you ^B
    about the fuel efficiencies for each type of vehicle? Explain.

Fu el Ef f i c i e n c y ( m i / g al )
< I I I l l l l l l I I I I I I I I t l l l i i
10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54


  1. Of 10 test scores, six are less than or equal to 80. What is the percentile
    rank of a test score of 80?

  2. Of 35 judges’ scores awarded during a gymnastics event, 28 are less than or equal to
    7.5. What is the percentile rank of a score of 7.5?
    Apply © 19. Think About a Plan You are one of the finalists at a science fair. The scores of the
    other finalists are 87, 89, 81, 85, 87, 83, 86, 94, 90,97,80, 89, 85, and 88. Write an
    inequality that represents your possible scores if your percentile rank is 80.

  • What percent of the scores must be less than or equal to your score?

  • What is the total number of finalists' scores?

  1. Writ ing Explain the difference between range and interquartile range.

  2. Basketball The heights of the players on a basketball team are 74 in., 79 in.,
    71.5 in., 81 in., 73 in., 76 in., 78 in., 71 in., 72 in., and 73.5 in. When the 76-in.-tall
    player is replaced, the percentile rank of the 73.5-in.-tall player becomes 60. Write
    an inequality that represents the possible heights of the replacement player.

  3. Open-Ended Make a data set of 10 numbers that has a median of 22, an
    interquartile range of 10, and a minimum less than 4.

  4. Reasoning Must the third quartile of a data set be less than the maximum
    value? Explain.

See Problem 1.

Se e Pr o b l e m 2.

Se e Pr o b l e m 3.

Se e Pr o b l e m 4.

Ch ap t er 12 D at a A n al y si s an d Pr o b ab i l i t y
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