Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Co n cep t Byt e

Use W ith Lesson 1 2 -5

Tw o- Way

Fr eq u en cy Tab l es

Common Core State Standards
S- I D. B. 5 Su m m a r i z e ca t e g o r i ca l d a t a f o r t w o
cat eg o ries in t w o - w ay freq uency t a b l e s...
Re c o g n i ze p o ssi b l e a sso c i a t i o n s an d t r e n d s i n
the data.
MP 2

Two-way frequency tables are a convenient way to show data.

Activity 1
The table at the right gives information about ticket sales for two movies. The table also
separates those sales into ticket purchases by men and ticket purchases by women.


Of the 103 tickets sold for Story o f Love, 78 tickets, or 75.7%, were
sold to men. Of the 90 men who purchased tickets, 78 of them, or
8 6.7%, purchased a ticket for Story o f Love.
Calculate the ratio and percent for each of the following.

  1. Men who purchased tickets to Martial Arts Champ to all men.

  2. Men who purchased tickets to Martial Arts Champ to all who
    purchased tickets to Martial Arts Champ.

  3. Women who purchased tickets to Martial Arts Champ to all who purchased tickets
    to Martial Arts Champ.

  4. Women who purchased tickets to Story o f Love to all who purchased tickets to
    Story o f Love.

  5. Which movie is more popular with women? With men?

Movie Ticket Sales

25 86

Activity 2

You can use two-way frequency tables to make better predictions.
The citizens of Parkdale are preparing to vote on a bond issue to fund an expansion of
the public library. The table at the right records data about support for the bond issue.
For each of the following, calculate the ratio and percent in relation to
all people in the given age group.

  1. The people between 18 and 25 who support the bond issue.

  2. The people between 26 and 64 who support the bond issue.

  3. The people 65 or older who oppose the bond issue.

  4. The people between 26 and 64 who oppose the bond issue.

  5. An expert predicts that 10% of the voters will be between 18 and 25, 40% will be
    between 26 and 64, and 50% will be 65 or older. Based on her predictions, she can
    calculate the result of the election from the expression 0.1a + 0.4b + 0.5c where a,
    b, and c are the decimal forms of the ratio of people supporting the bond issue in
    the three groups. Predict the percent of votes in favor of the bond issue.

Su p p o r t f o r Bo n d I ssu e

760 Co n c e p t By t e Tw o- W ay Freq uen cy Tables

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