Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Per m u t at i o n s an d

Co m b i n at i o n s

Object ive To find permutations and combinations


Pr ep ar es f o r S-CP.B.9 Use perm ut at io ns and
combinations to compute probabilit ies of compound
events and solve problems.
MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, M P4, M P6

Co m m o n Co r e St at e St a n d a r d s

Read y!

Making a list
could t ak e a long
time. Is there a
f ast er way?



At an amusement park, you want to go on
all o f t h e rid es shown on t h e sig npost. I n
how many d i f f e r e n t o rd ers can you go on
the rides? Describe how you found the

Lesso n
Co u n t i n g
Pr i n ci p l e
perm ut at ion
n factorial
co m b in at i o n

Essent ial Und er st and ing You can use counting methods to find the number of
possible ways to choose objects with and without regard to order.

One way to find the possible orders of objects is to make an organized list. Another
way is to make a tree diagram. Both methods help you see if you have thought of all
the possibilities.
The tree diagram below shows all the possible orders for watching three movies
(a comedy, a drama, and an action film).

First Movie


act i on

Se c o n d M o v i e Th i r d M o v i e O r d e r o f M o v i e s
drama -------« action comedy, drama, action
act i on ------- 1 drama comedy, act ion, drama
comedy -------< act ion drama, comedy, act ion
act i on -------« c o m e d y d r a m a , a c t i o n , c o m e d y
comedy -------< drama act ion, comedy, drama
drama -------< c o m e d y act i on, dr ama, comedy

There are six possible orders for watching the three movies.
When one event does not affect the result of a second event, the events are independent.
When events are independent, you can find the number of outcomes using the
Multiplication Counting Principle.

762 Ch ap t er 12 Data Analysis and Probability

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