Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. ^ 5P2 57. ^ 4 2 58. ^7 2

  2. 2 C 2 + 2^1 + 2^0 60. 3^3 + 3*^2 + 3^1 + 3^0 61. 90^90

Challenge Determine whether each statement is always, som etimes, or never true. Assume n + 0.

  1. „Ci = n 6 3. 3 C~ > x 64. ~~ ^

Find the value of each expression.

n^i = n 0 5. 3 ux -> X o<t. n^ n- i )

  1. A test has 10 questions. You m u st answ er a total of 7 questions, including exactly
    4 of th e first 6 questions.
    a. In how m any ways can you choose 4 of th e first 6 questions?
    b. How m any questions are left after you have answ ered 4 of th e first 6 questions?
    How m any m u st you still answer?
    c. In how m any ways can you choose questions to finish th e test?
    d. How m any different ways are th ere of com pleting th e test (m eeting all of
    its requirem ents)?

St an d ar d i zed Test Pr ep s.ridded' response

SAT/ACT 6 6. The school cafeteria serves lunches consisting of 1 m ain dish, 1 vegetable, 1 salad,
a n d 1 dessert. The m en u has choices of 2 m ain dishes, 3 vegetables, 3 salads, an d
4 desserts. How m any different lunches are possible?

  1. W hat is 7.3 X 10-2 w ritten in stan d ard form?

68. How m any elem ents are in th e u n io n of the two sets M= {4, 5, — 6 , 7 , 8 } and
N = { - 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , - 8 }?

  1. You d eposit $500 in an acco u n t earning 5.25% an n u a l interest. You m ake no further
    deposits to th e acco u n t an d th e interest is c o m p o u n d ed annually. W hat is the
    balance in dollars after 10 yr? R ound to th e n ea rest dollar.

r — # ■>
Mixed Review

D eterm ine w hether each data set is qualitative or quantitative. See Lesson 12-5.

  1. ZIP codes 71. race times 72. heights of people 73. emotions

Use the quadratic formula to solve each equation. If necessary, round answers ^ See Lesson 9-6.
to the nearest hundredth.

  1. 2x 2 + 12x — 11 = 0 75. x 2 -7 x + 2 = 0 76. x2 + 4x-8 = 0 77. 3x 2 + 8 x + 5 = 0

Get Read y! To p r e p a r e f o r Lesso n 1 2 - 7 , d o Ex e r c i se s 7 8 - 8 1.

Rewrite each decim al or fraction as a percent. ^ See page 805.
78.0.32 79.0.09 80. ^ Z UU 81. Jr5 0

768 Ch ap t er 12 Dat a Analysis and Pro bab ilit y

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