Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
H o w is f in d in g
odds d ifferen t from
finding probability?
To find odds, you
compare favorable and
unfavorable outcomes.
To find probability, you
compare favorable
outcomes and all
possible outcomes.

H o w is t h e f o r m u la
for experim ental
probability similar
to the form ula
for theoretical
In each formula, you
divide a number of items
corresponding to an
event by a total number
of items.

Odds describe th e likelihood of an event as a ratio com paring the n u m b e r of favorable
an d unfavorable outcom es.
odds in favor of an event = number of favorable outcomes
number of unfavorable outcomes

o dds against an event = ^ m b e r of unfavorable outcomes
number of favorable outcomes

Pr o b l em 3 Fi n d i n g O d d s

What are the odds in favor o f the spinner landing on a num ber
greater than or equal to 6?

Favorable outcomes: 6 , 7, 8 Total: 3
Unfavorable outcom es: 1, 2, 3,4, 5 Total: 5
The odds in favor of th e event are | , or 3 : 5.

Go t It? 3. W hat are th e o dds against th e sp in n er landing on
a n u m b e r less th a n 3?

Experimental probability is b ase d on d ata collected from re p eated trials.

experim ental probability P(event) number of times the event occurs
number of times the experiment is done

Fi n d i n g Ex p e r i m e n t a l P r o b a b i l i t y
Quality Control After receiving com plaints, a skateboard manufacturer inspects
1000 skateboards at random. The manufacturer finds no defects in 992 skateboards.
What is the probability that a skateboard selected at random has no defects? Write
the probability as a percent.
PC I I HU LlC lC Llo I j r t \ number of skateboards with no defectsi r i *i
v J number of skateboards examined

~ 992 1000 Substitute.

= 0.992 Write as a decimal.
= 99.2% Change to percent.
The probability th a t a skateboard selected at ra n d o m has no defects is 99.2%.

£ Got It? 4. Suppose th e m an u fa ctu rer in P roblem 4 inspects 2500 skateboards.
There are 2450 skateboards w ith no defects. W hat is th e probability
th at a skateboard selected at ra n d o m h as no defects? W rite the
probability as a percent.

1 ^ [ L esson 1 2 -7 Theoretical and Experimental Probability 771
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