Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Co n cep t Byt e

Use W ith Lesson 12-8


Dist ribut ions

S - ID .A .4 Use the mean and standard deviation o f a
data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate
population percentages...
MP 5

Common Core State Standards

A normal distribution shows d ata th at vary ran d o m ly from th e m e a n in a p a tte rn of
a symmetric, bell-shaped curve called a normal curve. A n o rm al distribution has the
following properties.


  • About 68 % of the d ata fall w ithin one stan d ard deviation of
    th e m ean.

  • About 95% of th e d ata fall w ithin two stan d ard deviations of
    the m ean.

  • About 99.7% of th e d ata fall w ithin three stan d ard deviations
    of th e m ean.


1 mean


+ 1 +3
deviation deviations

Ex a m p l e 1

The weights o f pum pkins a farmer harvests on e year are norm ally distributed with a
m ean of 40 lb and a standard deviation o f 5 lb.
0 Find the percent o f the pum pkins that w eigh betw een 35 lb and 50 lb.
Draw a norm al curve for th e distribution. Note th a t 35 lb is 1 stan d ard deviation
below th e m e a n a n d 50 lb is 2 stan d ard deviations above th e m ean.


-1 mean -1

: r 2 i
i d e v i a t i o n s

deviation deviations

25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Weight (lb)

Add th e percents b etw een 35 lb an d 50 lb on th e n orm al curve.
34% + 34% + 13.5% = 81.5%
About 81.5% of th e p u m pkins w eigh betw een 35 lb an d 50 lb.
Find the percent o f the pum pkins that weigh betw een 33 lb and 43 lb.
N either 33 lb n o r 43 lb is a w hole n u m b e r of stan d ard deviations from th e m ean,
so you ca n n o t use th e n o rm al curve draw n in p a rt (A). Instead, use a graphing
calculator th a t com putes p ercents associated w ith n o rm al distributions. One
m odel of calculator uses th e following com m and.
normalcdf(/ojeer bound, upper bound, mean, standard deviation)
For this problem, enter normalcdf(33,43,40, 5). I h e calculator retu rn s a p ercen t
expressed as a decim al: ab o u t 0.645. This m ean s th a t a b o u t 64.5% of the pum pkins
weigh betw een 33 lb an d 43 lb.
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