Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

12- 1 Orgonizing Data Using Matrices


Quick Review
You can use matrices to organize data. To ad d or subtract
m atrices th at are th e sam e size, ad d or subtract the
corresponding elem ents. To m ultiply a m atrix by a scalar,
m ultiply each elem ent by th e scalar.

Ex a m p l e
What is the difference?
3 2 ~ 2 4~ 3 - 2 2-4
-1 5 - 4-3= -1 -4 5-(-3)
2-2 1 0 2- 1 - 2-0
1 -2
-5 8
1 -2

Ex e r c i se s
Find each sum, difference, or product.
-5 1 7 -6

1 CN]
0.4 1.5 ~4 3
6. 3.2 + 6.3 -7 .2
1.5 -2.1 1.9 - 0. 5

  1. -4.2

3 1.1
3 - 2

  • 1 2.9

12- 2 Frequency and Histograms

Quick Review
The freq u e n c y of an interval is th e n u m b e r of data values in
th at interval. A histogram is a graph th at groups d ata into
intervals an d shows the frequency of values in e ach interval.

Ex a m p l e
Below are the prices o f the television m odels sold at an
electronics store. What is a histogram o f the data?
$1399 $1349 $999 $2149 $149 $279 $449 $379 $1379
$799 $3199 $1099 $499 $899 $949 $1799 $1699 $3499

Television Prices

0-999 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999
Price ($)

Ex e r c i se s
Use the data to m ake a histogram.
8. custom ers: 141 128 132 141 152 169 121 133 131
156 142 136 135 144 135 153

  1. w orkouttim es(m in):41 29 46 39 37 44 33 51 42 30

Tell w hether each histogram is uniform, sym m etric,
or skewed.
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