Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Midpoint (p. 114) The point M that divides a segment AB
into two equal segments, AM and MB.

Punto medio (p. 114) El punto M que divide un segmento
AB en dos segmentos iguales, AMy MB.
Example M is the midpoint of XY.


Midpoint Formula (p. 114) The midpoint M of a line
segment with endpoints A(x-|, y-|) and B(x2, y2) is
*1 + *2 yi + Yi
2 ' 2

Formula del punto m edio (p. 114) El punt o medi o M de
un segmento con puntos extremos A(xv y-|) y fi(x2, Yi) es
x, +x2 yr +y2'
2 ' 2
Example The midpoint of a segment with
endpoints A{3, 5) and 6(7, 1)
is (5, 3).

Minimum (p. 547) The y-coordinate of the vertex of a
parabola that opens upward.

Minimo (p. 547) La coordenada y del vertice en una
parabola que se abre hacia arriba.

\ 1 yf

Since the parabola opens upward,
the y-coordinate of the vertex is
the function's minimum value.

Mode (p. 738) The mode is the most frequently occurring Moda (p. 738) La moda es el valor o valores que ocurren
value (or values) in a set of data. A data set may have no con mayor frequencia en un conjunto de datos. El conjunto
mode, one mode, or more than one mode. de datos puede no tener moda, o tener una o mas modas.
Example In the data set 7, 7, 9, 10, 11, and
13, the mode is 7.

Monomial (p. 486) A real number, a variable, or a product Monomio (p. 486) Numero real, variable o el producto de
of a real number and one or more variables with whole- un numero real y una o mas variables con numeros enteros
number exponents. como exponentes.
Example 9, n, and -5xy 2 are examples of

Multiplication Counting Principle (p. 763) If there are Principio de Conteo en la Multiplicacion (p. 763) Si hay
m ways to make the first selection and n ways to make the m maneras de hacer la primera seleccion y n maneras de
second selection, then there are m n ways to make the hacer la segunda seleccion, quiere decir que hay m n
two selections. maneras de hacer las dos selecciones.
Example For 5 shirts and 8 pairs of shorts,
the number of possible outfits is
5 • 8 = 40.


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