Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
English Spanish

Radicand (p. 16) The expression under the radical sign is Radicando (p. 16) La expresidn que aparece debajo del
the radicand. signo radical es el radicando.

Example The radicand of the radical
expression Vx + 2 is x + 2.

Range (of a relation or function) (p. 268) The possible Rango (de una relacion o funcion) (p. 268) El conj unt o
values of the output, or dependent variable, of a relation or de todos los valores posibles de la salida, o variable
function. dependiente, de una relacion o funcidn.

Example In the function y= |x|, the range
is the set of all nonnegative

Range of a set of data (p. 740) The difference between Rango de un conjunto de datos (p. 740) Diferencia entre
the greatest and the least data values for a set of data. el valor mayor y el menor en un conjunto de datos.
Example For the set 2, 5, 8 , 12, the range is
12 - 2 = 10.

Rate (p. 116) A ratio of a to b where a and b represent Tasa (p. 116) La relacion que existe entre a y b cuando
quantities measured in different units. a y b son cantidades medidas con distintas unidades.
Example Traveling 125 miles in 2 hours
results in the rate
or 62.5 mi/h.

Rate of change (p. 294) The relationship between two
quantities that are changing. The rate of change is also called
chang e in t he d ep end ent variable
rate o c ange change jn the independent variable

Tasa de cam bio (p. 294) La relacion entre dos cantidades
que cambian. La tasa de cambio se llama tambien
tasa de cambio = cam b io en la variab le d ep end ien t e
cam b io en la variab le ind ep en d ient e
Example Video rental for 1 day is $1.99.
Video rental for 2 days is $2.99.
rate of change =.2.99-1.99
2 -
= 1

Ratio (p. 116) A ratio is the comparison of two quantities Razon (p. 116) Una razon es la comparacion de dos
by division. cantidades por medio de una division.

Example | and 7 : 3 are ratios.

Rational equation (p. 685) An equation containing Ecuacion racional (p. 685) Ecuacidn que contiene
rational expressions. expresiones racionales.
Example £ = is a rational equation.

Rational expression (p. 664) A ratio of two polynomials. Expresion racional (p. 664) Una razon de dos polinomios.
The value of the variable cannot make the denominator equal El valor de la variable no puede hacer el denominador igual
to 0. a 0.

Example ~ —, where x =/= 0
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