Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Visual G lo

English Spanish

Relative error (p. 146) The ratio of the absolute value of
the difference of a measured (or estimated) value and an
actual value compared to the actual value.

Error relativo (p. 146) Razon del valor absoluto de la
diferencia de un valor medido (o estimado) y un valor actual
en comparacion con el valor actual.
Example You estimated that a plant would
be 5 in. tall 3 months after it was
planted. The plant was actually
5.5 in. tall 3 months after it was
planted. The relative error is
|5 - 5.5| | 0.5| 0.5 1
5.5 5.5 5.5 '
or about 9%.


Residual (p. 344) The difference between the y-value of a
data point and the corresponding y-value of a model for the
data set.

Residuo (p. 344) La diferencia entre el valor de y de un
punto y el valor de y correspondiente a ese punto en el
modelo del conjunto de datos.

Root of the equation (p. 561) A solution of an equation. Raiz de la ecuacion (p. 561) Solucion de una ecuacion.

Roster form (p. 194) A notation for listing all of the
elements in a set using set braces and commas.

Lista (p. 194) Una notacion en la que se enlistan todos los
elementos en un conjunto usando Haves y commas.
The set of prime numbers less than
10, expressed in roster form, is
{2, 3, 5, 7}.

Sample (p. 754) The part of a population that is surveyed. Muestra (p. 754)
Example Let the set of all males between
the ages of 19 and 34 be the
population. A random selection of
900 males between those ages
would be a sample of the

Porcion que se estudia de una poblacion.

Sample space (p. 769)

All possibl e out c omes in a Espacio m uestral (p. 769)
una ecuacion.

Todos los resultados posibles de

Example When you roll a number cube, the
sample space is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

Scalar (p. 727) A real number is called a scalar for certain
special uses, such as multiplying a matrix. See Scalar

Example 2.5

Escalar (p. 727) Un numero real se llama escalar en ciertos
casos especiales, como en la multiplication de una matriz. Ver
Scalar multiplication.
1 o' 2.5(1) 2.5(0)'
2 3_ _ 2 .5 (—2) 2.5(3)_
'2 .5 O '
Iun Ln
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