Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. The values for a and b are reversed; ^
    1 .5p = 300, p = 200%. 49. $181 51.29^ %

  2. 25 students 55. F 57. 14.4 cm 58. 18 cans

  3. c= 1.75 + 2. 4 f m - l ) ; 2§ mi 60. 1250%

  4. 0.6 62. 175%

Lesson 2-10 pp. 144-150
Go t It? 1. about 32% 2. about 17% 3. about 16%

  1. 65.5 in. and 66.5 in. 5. It would be smaller since the
    measurement of each dimension is closer to the actual
    value of each dimension.
    Lesso n Ch eck 1. about 2% 2. about 61 % 3. 7.25 ft
    and 7.75 ft 4a. percent decrease b. percent decrease
    c. percent increase 5. 0.05 m 6. A percent increase
    involves an increase of the original amount and a percent
    decrease involves a decrease of the original amount.
    Ex er ci ses 7. increase; 50% 9. decrease; 7%

  2. decrease; 4% 13. increase; 54% 15. increase; 27%

  3. about 55% 19. about 13% 21. 1.05 kg; 1.15 kg

  4. about 28% 25. 175% increase 27. 42% decrease

  5. 39% increase 31. 48.75 m2; 63.75 m2

  6. 505.25 ft2; 551.25 ft2 37. The original amount is
    12, not 1i luR = T2==0-5= 50%- 39.12.63
    41a. 21 % b. 21 % c. 21 %; sample: the new length is
    1.1 times as great as the original length. 1.12 = 1.21 or
    121 %, which shows a 21 % increase over the original
    amount of 100%. 43. 1 45. 66§% 46. 64.75 47. 21

-3^2-8 2 2
—I—I • I ♦ I »
3-2—1 0 1 2 3
-3, -2.8,1, 2

Chapter Review pp. 152-156

I. inverse operations 2. identity 3. rate 4. scale

  1. cross products 6. -7 7. 7 8. 14 9. 65 10. 3.5
    II. -4 12. -5 13. -8 14. $6.50 15. Add. Prop, of
    Eq.; Simplify.; Div. Prop, of Eq.; Simplify. 16. 11 17. 8

  2. -7.5 19. 3^| 20. 28 21. 14.7 22. Ah + 8b +
    50= 164; $9.50 23. 37f+8.50f+ 14.99 = 242.49;
    5 tickets 24. -90 25. 7.2 26. identity 27. no solution

  3. 8/i= 16 + 6b;; ft 29. g|= ifo + 3; 390 mi

30' x = JTb 31- x=—t-r 32. x = T— R

  1. x = pqs 34. 40 cm 35. 15 mm 36. 16 in.

  2. 78 in. 38. 71 oz 39. 2.25 min 40. 3960 yd

  3. 240 loaves 42. about 6 lb 43. s or about 0.45 s

  4. 21 45. -4 46. 1.6 47. 21 48. 39 49. -1
    50. 12 in. 51. 42 in. 52.300% 53.108 54.170
    55. 60 seeds 56. 30% 57. 72 students 58. increase;


Po w er A l g eb r m

11 % 59. decrease; 20% 60. decrease; 11 % 61. increase;
32% 62. about 47% 63. about 39% 64. Yes; 50% of
38° is 19° and 38°+ 19° = 57°.

Ch ap t er 3

Get Ready! p. 161

    1. = 3. > 4. < 5. 7 6. -4 7. 1 8. 2 9. 3

  1. -12 11. 32.4 12. 23 13. 29.5 14. -28 15.-12
    16.48 17. 5 18. -24 19. -10 20. 1.85 21. -24

  2. -2 23. 3 24. 60 25. -4 26. 3 27. \ 28. 2.5

  3. 4.1 30. 24 31. Answers may vary. Sample: Two
    inequalities are joined together. 32. Answers may vary.
    Sample: the part that the two groups of objects have
    in common

Lesson 3-1 pp. 164-170
Go t It? 1a. p > 1.5 b. t+7 < —3 2a. 1 a n d 3
b. The solution of the equation is -2. The solution of
the inequality is all real numbers greater than -2.
3a.—s—-4 1— 1-2—1—1—1—1— 0 2^1 —1—1— 4 ►

-6 -4 -2 0

23456789 10
4a. x < -3 b. x > 0 5. No; the speed limit can only be
nonnegative real numbers.
Lesso n Ch eck 1. y> 12 2a. no b. no c. yes d. yes

  1. i— i— i— i— i— i— i—t—0 > 4. x < -3
    ~6 -4 -2 0 2

  2. Substitute the number for the variable and simplify. If
    the number makes the inequality true, then it is a solution
    of the inequality. 6. Answers may vary. Sample: x > 0,
    whole numbers, a baseball team's score during an inning,
    amount in cubic centimeters of liquid in a chemistry
    beaker; x > 0, counting numbers, length of a poster,
    distance in blocks between your house and a park

  3. Check students' work.
    Ex e r c i se s 9. b<4 11. §>^ 13a. yes b. no c. yes
    15a. yes b. no c. no 17. D 19. A



H 1— 0 -

»— h — +— • — I 1 ----1— I — I h -
-7 -5 -3 -1 0
>— I 0 I I I I I I t -
—4 —3 —2 - 1 12 3 4
-• 1 1 -

  1. x > - 4 3 1 .x > 2 33. x > 5 35. Let p = the
    number of people seated; p < 172. 37. Let w = number
    of watts of the light bulb; w < 75. 39. Let m = amount
    of money earned; m > 20,000. 41. Check students'
    work. 43. x < 186,000 45. b is greater than 0. 4 7. z is

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