Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

640, 641, 643, 646, 650, 651, 657,
666 , 667, 669, 671, 673, 675, 680,
681, 682, 687, 688 , 690, 692, 696,
700, 702, 708, 710, 711, 719, 727,
734, 736, 740, 742, 743, 745, 749,
750, 751, 755, 757, 761, 763, 765,
767, 770, 773, 774, 780, 781, 791
Here's Why It Works, 41, 125, 179,
316, 425
Know-Need-Plan problems, 6 , 12, 19,
25, 33, 48, 62, 89, 95, 103, 118,
126, 131, 147, 196, 202, 217, 235,
242, 247, 270, 310, 323, 347, 373,
380, 402, 420, 440, 462, 488, 499,
514, 549, 570, 578, 591, 597, 621,
634, 647, 679, 693, 733, 748, 755,
772, 779
Think-Write problems, 41, 82, 140,
166, 172, 179, 209, 296, 317, 419,
434, 435, 437, 440, 441, 449, 454,
455, 461, 462, 463, 493, 506, 520,
525, 562, 586, 640, 665, 672, 706
defined, 41
division as multiplying by, 47
opposite, 331, 332
solving equations using, 84
area of,^110
perimeter of, 110, 187
Formulas of Geometry, 820
Measures (Table 1), 814
Properties and Formulas, 816-819
Reading Math Symbols (Table 2),
Reflexive Property of Equality, 184
Relate-Define-Write problems, 12, 54,
84, 95, 103, 132, 173, 180, 187,
210, 262, 263, 324, 365, 379, 461,
463, 591, 693, 699, 708
Relating Radicals to Rational
Exponents, 447
causal, 340
defined, 268, 286
and domain, 268-269
formalizing, 268-270
inverse of, 273
and range, 268-269
relative error, 146
residuals, 344, 595
Review. See also Chapter Review;
Cumulative Standards Review;
Mixed Review; Skills Handbook;
Standardized Test Prep
Graphing in the Coordinate Plane,

right triangles
finding angle measures in, 647
finding missing side lengths in, 615,
hypotenuse of, 614, 615
identifying, 616
legs of, 614, 615
Pythagorean Theorem and, 614-616
trigonometric ratios and, 645-646
rise, 295
root of an equation, 561, 573
roster form of sets, 194
rounding error, 150
rubber ball, 341
describing nonlinear functions, 249
describing patterns,^6
function, writing, 262-263
for sequences, 275-276, 467
writing, 249, 264
run, 295

sample, 754-755
bias in a, 756
defined, 754, 789
sample space, 769
sampling method, 755
SAT test prep. See Cumulative Standards
Review; End-of-Course Assessment;
Gridded Response; Multiple Choice;
Standardized Test Prep
scalar, 787
defined, 727
scalar multiplication, 727
scale, 132,414
scale drawings, 132
scale models, 132-133
scatter plots
defined, 336, 356
making, 337-338
trends in, 336-337
science, 113, 133, 470, 471
scientific calculator. See calculator;
graphing calculator
scientific notation
dividing numbers in, 440-441
multiplying numbers in, 427
raising a number to a power in, 434
Scientific Notation and Significant
Digits, 807
arithmetic, 275, 286, 300
defined, 274, 286

extending, 274-275
geometric, 467-472
rules for, 276
terms of, 274, 467
using, 469
writing rules for, 276
complement of, 196
data. See data
defined, 17, 194
disjoint, 215
elements of, 17, 194
empty, 195, 215
intersection of, 215-216
roster form of, 194
in set-builder notation, 194
subsets of, 195
union of, 214-215, 216-218
universal, 196
Venn diagrams of, 216-217
set-builder notation
defined, 194
inequalities and, 195
for writing sets, 194
shopping, 91
Short Response exercises, 160, 170,
177, 183, 199, 206, 220, 230, 239,
245, 251, 267, 279, 290, 314, 320,
328, 335, 343, 360, 392, 399, 414,
438, 445, 452, 459, 471, 482, 491,
509, 517, 528, 533, 542, 548, 552,
588, 594, 601, 610, 625, 631, 651,
660, 669, 676, 683, 697, 722, 731,
737, 745, 759, 774
signs. See negative numbers; positive
number(s); real numbers
similar figures
applying similarity to proportions, 131
defined, 130, 155
finding lengths of sides of, 131
problems involving, 130-133
simple interest formula, 139, 140
algebraic expressions, 48-49, 419,
426, 434-435, 440-442
complex fractions, 673
exponential expressions, 419, 426,
434-435, 440-442
expressions, 25, 39, 46-47, 48-49
fractions, 622, 801
like radicals, 627
numerical expressions, 10 , 11
powers, 10, 419-421, 426-427,
434-435, 440-442
radical expressions, 619-622
rational expressions, 664-665
square root expressions, 17, 39
Simplifying Fractions, 801
sine, 645, 656
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