Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

82 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 5A | The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

  • Ask students what characters they see in the picture. Point as you
    name each character: shepherd, dog, sheep, and wolf.

  • Ask students where they think the setting of this fable will take place.
    How do they know? (The setting of this fable is in the pasture, or on
    the grass, because there is grass on the ground and sheep eat grass.)

  • Give students Response Card 5 (The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing) from
    Instructional Master 5A-1. Have students talk with their partner about
    the difference between where the wolf is in the first picture (on the hill
    looking down at the shepherd and sheep) and where the wolf is in the
    second picture (among the sheep).

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In today’s fable you will meet a flock of sheep.

  2. Say the word flock with me three times.

  3. A flock is a group of animals or birds.
    [Have students point out the flock of sheep on Response Card 5.]

  4. Every morning the shepherd takes his flock of sheep out to the hills to
    eat grass.
    Julia could hear the flock of geese flying over the pond.

  5. With your partner, think of two animals that are grouped into flocks
    (sheep, goats, duck, geese, and other kinds of birds)
    [If students have difficulty thinking of animals that are grouped in
    flocks, consider asking them whether animals such as sheep, goats,
    and birds are grouped into flocks.]

  6. In today’s fable the wolf finds a sheep’s fleece and puts it on.

  7. Say the word fleece with me three times.

  8. Fleece is a sheep’s coat of wool.
    [You may wish to mention that very soft cotton clothing people wear
    is also called fleece.]

  9. The farmer sells her sheep’s fleece at the market.
    The sheep’s fleece is a little curly and very soft.

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