Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

126 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 7A | The Little Half-Chick (Medio Pollito)

[Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students, as
necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]
I am going to ask you a question. I will give you a minute to think about
the question, and then I will ask you to turn to your neighbor and discuss
the question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share what you
discussed with your partner.

Sentence Frames:
Does this folktale teach us to be
helpful and kind toward others?

I think this folktale teaches me

If you.. ., then...

  1. Evaluative Think Pair Share: Some folktales teach a lesson just like
    fables do. What lesson does this folktale teach?

  2. After hearing today’s story and questions and answers, do you have
    any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to allow for
    individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other resources
    to answer these remaining questions.]

Sayings and Phrases: Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them
Do Unto You

  • Remind students of the lesson from the story: you should help others.
    Tell students that there is a well-known saying that sums up this
    lesson: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

    • Have students repeat this saying, first out loud and then turn to
      their partners and tell it to them.

  • Say to students: “Discuss with your partner how the saying ‘do unto
    others as you would have them do unto you’ applies to Medio Pollito.”
    Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Call on two volunteer partner
    pairs to share.

  • Ask students whether the outcome would have been different had
    Medio Pollito helped the stream, the fire, and the wind.

  • Ask students to come up with other applications of this saying, or
    provide a few more examples for students. (If you do not share, others
    might not share with you either. If you are not kind to others, others
    might not be kind to you either. If you do not like others to be bossy,
    you should not be bossy either. If you would like others to play with
    you, you should play with others also.)

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
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