Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 8A | The Crowded, Noisy House 135

 Show image 8A-2: Taking the goat in the house

  • Tell students that the Jewish man takes several animals into his

  • Ask students what the Jewish man is doing in this picture.

  • Have students share with their partner what they think the man is
    going to do with the goat. Call on two partner pairs to share.

 Show image 8A-5: Goose on the carpet

  • Have students describe this scene to their partner.

  • Ask students to identify the characters in this picture (the Jewish
    man, the wife, the mother-in-law, the kids, the goat, the cow, the

  • Give students Response Card 8 (The Crowded, Noisy House) from
    Instructional Master 8A-1. Have students compare and contrast the
    two pictures on the response card. Ask which picture is more like the
    title, “The Crowded, Noisy House.”

Vocabular y Preview

 Show image 8A-1: Man and rabbi talking

  1. In today’s folktale, a poor Jewish man goes to speak with a rabbi.

  2. Say the word rabbi with me three times.

  3. A rabbi is a teacher in the Jewish religion.

  4. Many Jews go to their rabbi when they need help.

  5. Who do you go to when you need help?

  6. The Jewish man in today’s story wanted the rabbi’s advice about what
    to do.

  7. Say the word advice with me three times.

  8. Advice is an idea or suggestion that someone gives to help others
    decide what to do.

  9. Kate’s teacher always gave great advice about good books to read.

  10. What advice would you give your friend if your friend has a cold?

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