Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 9A | The Tale of Peter Rabbit 157

Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Comprehension Questions
If students have difficulty responding to questions, reread pertinent
lines of the story and/or refer to the images. Ask students to answer
in complete sentences by having them restate the question in their
responses. Model answers using complete sentences as necessary.

  1. Literal What is the title of this story?

    • The title of this story is “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.”
      [You may wish to remind students that this story is not a folktale because
      it was not first told orally from person to person, but was written down
      and made into a book. The author and illustrator of this story is a woman
      named Beatrix Potter.]

  2. Literal What advice does Mrs. Rabbit give Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail,
    and Peter at the beginning of the story? Who follows Mrs. Rabbit’s
    advice and who does not follow her advice?

    • Mrs. Rabbit tells Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter to stay away from
      Mr. McGregor’s garden. She tells them not to get into mischief. Flopsy,
      Mopsy, and Cotton-tail listen to her advice, but Peter does not listen.

 Show image 9A-1: The Rabbit family/Mrs. Rabbit with her bunnies

 Show image 9A-9: Peter jumping out the window/Peter resting

 Show image 9A-13: Peter in bed/Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail

  1. Evaluative [Show images in random order and have students tell
    you whether the images show events that happen in the beginning,
    middle, or end. Have a different student briefly explain what is
    happening in each picture.]

  2. Inferential How is the ending for Peter different from the ending for his

    • Peter is not feeling well and takes one tablespoon of chamomile tea
      before going to bed. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail get bread, milk, and
      blackberries for dinner.

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