Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

172 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 10A | All Stories Are Anansi’s

Anansi went back to Earth and began to strategize—or plan—how he
will capture Osebo, the mighty leopard, with teeth as sharp as spears.
Then, Anansi thought of something.

He dug a deep hole on the path Osebo used to get to the watering
hole. He laid branches across the hole and covered the branches with
sticks and leaves and dirt. When Anansi was satisfied—when he was
happy with his hole—and was sure that the hole was well-hidden, he
scurried home and went to sleep.

Mid-Story Check-In

  1. Literal Which characters have you met so far?

    • I have met Anansi, Nyame, Aso, Onini, and Osebo.

  2. Literal What does Anansi want to get from Nyame?

    • Anansi wants to get the box of stories from Nyame.

  3. Literal What does Anansi need to do in order to get the box of stories?

    • Anansi needs to bring Nyame three things: Onini, Osebo, and Mmoboro.

  4. Literal Who has Anansi captured so far?

    • So far, Anansi has captured Onini.
      Who is he trying to capture now?

    • He is trying to capture Osebo.
       Show image 10A-5: Leopard in a hole
      When Osebo came out to hunt during the night, he fell right into
      Anansi’s trap. Anansi found him down in the hole the next morning.

“Osebo,” said Anansi, “what are you doing down in that hole?”

“Oh, look!” said Osebo. “Can’t you see that I have fallen into a trap?
You must help me get out.”

“I will see what I can do,” said Anansi.

Anansi found a large willow tree and bent the top of the tree over
the pit. He spun two silky cords and used them to fasten—and hold
down—the tree. Then he spun another silky cord and attached it to
the top of the tree. This third cord dangled down into the pit.

“Tie the cord to your tail,” said Anansi. “Then I will lift you up.”

Osebo tied the web to his tail.
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