Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

174 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 10A | All Stories Are Anansi’s

 Show image 10A-8: Anansi and the box of stories
Then Nyame called out, in a voice like thunder: “Listen to me! Anansi
has paid the price for the stories of the sky god, and I do hereby give
the stories to him. From this day forward, all of the stories belong to
Anansi. Whenever someone tells one of these stories, he or she must
acknowledge that it is Anansi’s tale. Everyone will know that these
stories belong to Anansi.”

Anansi took the box of stories back to Earth and shared them with
the people. They were grateful for the stories, and told them over and
over to their children, and to their children’s children, who told them to
their children, and so on. Even to this day, these stories are known as
“spider stories.”

At the end of many spider stories, the storyteller often says, “This is
my story which I have related, if it be sweet or if it be not sweet, take
(it) elsewhere and let it come back to me.”

[Tell students that now that they have heard this story, they can help to keep it
alive by telling it to someone else.]

Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes

Comprehension Questions
If students have difficulty responding to questions, reread pertinent
lines of the story and/or refer to the images. Ask students to answer
in complete sentences by having them restate the question in their
responses. Model answers using complete sentences as necessary.

  1. Literal What is the title of this folktale?

    • The title of this folktale is “All Stories Are Anansi’s.”
      [You may wish to remind students that this is an African folktale told by
      the Ashanti people of Ghana.]

  2. Literal Who is the main character of this story? What animal is he?

    • The main character of this story is Anansi; he is a spider.

  3. Literal Why does Anansi want the box of stories?

    • Anansi wants the box of stories to give to the people to make them
      happy and help them pass the time.

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