Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities 185

Story Map

Materials: Instructional Master 1B-1

Use the Instructional Master to identify the characters, setting, and plot
of any of the fictional stories. Some students may need to work with the
teacher and complete this on chart paper as a group, while others may
be able to complete the Instructional Master on their own.

Domain-Related Trade Book

Materials: Trade book

Read an additional trade book to review a particular folktale or share a
new fictional story, and have students identify the elements of the story.
Refer to the books listed in the Introduction. If possible, select another
version of a fable or story that was read in the domain and compare and
contrast the two.

Folktales from Around the World

Materials: Various stories from students’ home cultures

Read a story from your students’ home cultures. If students are familiar
with the story, they can choose to tell the story with you.

After reading the story, talk about its characters, settings, and plot.

Exploring Student Resources

Materials: Domain-related student websites

Pick appropriate websites from the Internet for further exploration of

Videos of Folktales

Materials: Videos of folktales

Carefully peruse the Internet for short, five-minute videos related to
folktales covered in the domain.

Prepare some questions related to the videos. Ask about the characters,
settings, and plots.

Discuss how watching a video is the same as and different from listening
to a story book or read-aloud.

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