Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

38 Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 2A | The Maid and the Milk Pail

  • Say to students: “Tell your partner what is happening in this picture
    and why might that be happening.” Allow fifteen seconds for students
    to talk. Call on two partner pairs to share.

  • Give students Response Card 2 (The Maid and the Milk Pail) from
    Instructional Master 2A-1. Have students talk with their partner about
    the difference between how the milkmaid looks in the first picture
    (focused) to how she looks in the second picture (startled).

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In today’s fable you will hear that the milkmaid wants to buy the
    plumpest chicken from a farmer.

  2. Say the word plumpest with me three times.

  3. When something is the plumpest, it is the roundest, chubbiest, and

  4. Farmers like to buy the plumpest piglets.

  5. What other things can be the plumpest? [Suggestions: babies,
    pillows, dumplings, lips, various kinds of fruit.]

  6. In today’s fable, the milkmaid wants to buy the chicken for its eggs
    that will hatch.

  7. Say the word hatch with me three times.

  8. To hatch is to break out from an egg.

  9. Julia and Marco watched in amazement as the chicks hatched from
    their eggs.

  10. Show your partner what hatch looks like. [Students may use their
    hands as a shell and have their fingers crack open. Or they can curl
    their bodies into a ball and slowly hatch from their “shell.”]

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