Garde 1 - Read-Aloud Supplemental Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fables and Stories: Supplemental Guide 2B | The Maid and the Milk Pail 45

Extensions 20 minutes

Story Map

  • Tell students that you will create a story map for “The Maid and
    the Milk Pail” together. [You may wish to use this activity as an
    observational Te ns opportunity.]
    Note: Tell students that you are going to write down what they say,
    but that they are not expected to be able to read what you write
    because they are still learning all the rules for decoding. Emphasize
    that you are writing what they say so that you don’t forget, and tell
    them you will read the words to them.

  • Tell students that the people or animals in a story are called the
    characters of the story. Ask students who the characters are in the
    “The Maid and the Milk Pail.” (the milkmaid and her mother)

  • Tell students that the setting of a story is where the story takes place.
    Ask students what is the setting in this fable. (on the road on the way
    to the market)

  • Tell students that the plot of a story is what happens, or the events,
    in the story. Ask students to tell you about the beginning, middle, and
    end of the fable.
    [You may need to prompt students with text from the first and last
    sentences of the read-aloud. This is also a good opportunity to talk
    about the conventions of beginning a fiction story, e.g., “Peggy the
    milkmaid was going to market” and ending a fiction story, e.g., “Don’t
    count your chickens before they’re hatched.”]

Domain-Related Trade Book

  • “The Maid and the Milk Pail” refers to two interesting informational
    topics: milking cows and chicks hatching from eggs. You may wish to
    find a nonfiction trade book on either topic to read aloud to the class.
    Otherwise, you may wish to read another version of the two fables
    presented so far: “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and “The Maid and the
    Milk Pail.”

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