Kindergarden - Plants

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

182 Plants: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment

  1. Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is how plants use light to make food
    for themselves.

    • smiling face

  2. Roots: The roots of a plant keep the plant in the soil.

    • smiling face

  3. Sapling: A sapling is a full-grown tree.

    • frowning face

  4. Oxygen: Plants produce oxygen in the air we breathe.

    • smiling face
      Directions: I am going to read more sentences using other words you
      have heard in the read-alouds. First, I will say the word and then use it in
      a sentence. If I use the word correctly in my sentence, circle the smiling
      face. If I do not use the word correctly in my sentence, circle the frowning
      face. I will say each sentence two times.

  5. Environment: The environment is the place where living things live.

    • smiling face

  6. Survival: Plants do not need water and light for survival.

    • frowning face

  7. Plenty: Plenty means only one of something.

    • frowning face

  8. Cycle: A cycle is something that happens over and over again.

    • smiling face

  9. Similar: Similar means almost the same.

    • smiling face

 Part II (Instructional Master DA-2)
Note: You will need crayons for each student in the following colors:
dark brown, light brown, dark green, light green, red, blue, and yellow.
If not all colors are available in the classroom, use five different colors
that are available. If necessary, identify each color for the students.
Directions: Color the part of the plant I describe with the color I tell you to

  1. Color dark brown the part of the plant that keeps it in the ground and
    soaks up nutrients and water.

    • roots

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