Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide PP1 | Pausing Point 1 89

 Explain the signifi cance of gods/goddesses, ziggurats, temples,
and priests in Mesopotamia
 Describe key components of a civilization
 Identify Mesopotamia as the “Cradle of Civilization”
 Describe how a civilization evolves and changes over time

Student Performance Task Assessment

 Mesopotamia
Materials: Instructional Master PP1-1
Directions: I will read ten sentences about Mesopotamia. If
my sentence is correct and gives the right information about
Mesopotamia, circle ‘T’ for “true.” If my sentence is incorrect and
does not give right information about Mesopotamia, circle ‘F’ for
“false.” I will read each sentence twice.
Note: You may wish to relate circling ‘T’ to circling the smiling face
and circling ‘F’ to circling the frowning face, something students
are familiar with doing in the past vocabulary assessments and
domain assessments.

  1. Mesopotamia was located on the continent of Asia. (T)

  2. There was only one river that fl owed through Mesopotamia. (F)

  3. Babylon was the name of the famous river in Mesopotamia. (F)

  4. Canals helped the Mesopotamians move water from one
    place to another. (T)

  5. Mesopotamians wrote using cuneiform. (T)

  6. King Hammurabi created the laws in Mesopotamia. (T)

  7. Mesopotamians had many, many gods. (T)

  8. Everyone is allowed to go to the top of a ziggurat. (F)

  9. Babylon is the name of a great city in Mesopotamia. (T)

  10. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon still exist today. (F)

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