Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 5 | People of the Nile 97

Exercise Materials Details

Discussing the Read-Aloud (15 minutes)

Comprehension Questions

Word Work: Damage

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Extensions (20 minutes)

Multiple Meaning Word
Activity: Rose

Poster 2M (Rose)

Syntactic Awareness Activity:
Plural Personal Pronouns

Vocabulary Instructional
Activity: Advantage/

chart paper; index cards Use a two-column chart to show student-
created examples of things that would be
an advantage and a disadvantage.

Early World Civilizations Chart Instructional Masters 5B-1 and

A graphic organizer of the Early World
Civilizations Chart for Ancient Egypt
(Instructional Master 5B-1) has been
included for students to fill out with the
class chart. Students may choose to cut
out images from the Image Sheet for
ancient Egypt (Instructional Master 5B-2)
and paste them onto their chart.

Setting drawing paper, drawing tools

Take-Home Material

Family Letter Instructional Masters 5B-3 and

Advance Preparation
You may wish to fi nd pictures and images of ancient Egyptians,
fl ooding, the Nile River, and crops grown along the Nile River to
show to students. You may also wish to bring samples of food
products made from crops grown next to the Nile River.
Note: Be sure to check with your school’s policy regarding food
distribution and allergies.
Make a copy of Instructional Master 5A-1 for each student. Refer
to it as Response Card 2 for ancient Egypt. Students can use this
response card to discuss, review, and answer questions about this
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