Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

110 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 5B | People of the Nile

  1. When I am talking about other people, I use the pronoun they. Listen
    as I talk about two students in our classroom, [Isaac] and [Kenny],
    “They are sitting in the front of the classroom.”

    • Now you try with your partner: Point to several students and use
      the word they to tell about what they are doing. Use this sentence
      starter to help you begin: “They are... ”

  2. Now, I am going to say different sentences about the read-aloud that
    contain many of the pronouns we just practiced. Please stand up or
    raise your hand when you hear one of those words. Remember, the
    pronouns we just practiced are we, you, and they.
     Show image 5A-4: Crops growing along the banks of the Nile

  • The Egyptian farmer told the other farmers, “We need to harvest
    these crops before the weather gets too hot.” One of the
    farmers replied, “We need more help if we are going to harvest
    all the crops by tonight.” [Ask: “Who does we refer to in this
    sentence?” (the Egyptian farmers)]

  • The Egyptians liked to live near the river, but because of
    fl ooding, they built their villages above the level of the water.
    [Ask: “Who does they refer to in this sentence?” (the Egyptians)]
     Show image 5A-6: Ipi and Meret on the banks of the Nile

  • The family lives near the river. They live in a little house made of
    mud bricks. [Ask: “Who does they refer to in this sentence?” (the

  • Rensi called out to Ipi and Meret, “Will you help me bring my
    boat to shore?” [Ask: “Who does you refer to in this sentence?”
    (Ipi and Meret)]

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity^15 minutes
Word Chart: Advantage/Disadvantage

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “The Nile has always given the people of
    Egypt a special advantage.”

  2. Say the word advantage with me three times.

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