Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 7A | Amon-Ra and the Gods of Ancient Egypt 135

Meret in the picture. Have them repeat the name Meret after you.
Tell students that today they will continue with the story of Meret
and her mother in ancient Egypt. Today we will hear about their
religion, or belief system.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes

  1. In today’s read-aloud you will hear Ipi share a myth about an
    Egyptian god.

  2. Say the word myth with me three times.

  3. A myth is a fi ctional, or made-up, story from ancient times that
    explains how things came to be.

  4. Meret loves to listen to the myth about why the sun rises and
    sets every day.

  5. Have you ever heard a myth before? [Call on volunteers to
    share. Tell students that they will hear an Egyptian myth
     Show image 7A-2: Amon-Ra

  6. Today you will hear that the most important Egyptian god is
    named Amon-Ra.

  7. Say the word Amon-Ra with me three times.

  8. Amon-Ra is the Egyptian god of the sun.

  9. The ancient Egyptians believed that Amon-Ra created

  10. [Show students different images of Amon-Ra. Have partner
    pairs describe the physical features of Amon-Ra.]

Purpose for Listening
Have students listen carefully to fi nd out what the ancient Egyptian
gods looked like and what kinds of things they did.
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