Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 7B | Amon-Ra and the Gods of Ancient Egypt 141

  1. color and green (Color is general, and green is specifi c.)

  2. milk and drink (Milk is specifi c, and drink is general.)

  3. three and number (Three is specifi c, and number is general.)

  4. girl and Maria (Girl is general, and Maria is specifi c.)

  5. winter and season (Winter is specifi c, and season is general.)

Early World Civilizations Chart 5 minutes

Farming Cities Writing Leaders Religion

Mesopotamia Image Card 1 (Farming) Image Card 2 (Babylon) Image Card 3 (Cuneiform)

Image Card 4
Image Card 6

Image Card 5

Ancient Egypt Image Card 7 (Farming) Image Card 8 (City) Image Card 9 (Hieroglyphs)

Image Card
10 (Egyptian
Show students Image Card 10 (Egyptian Gods). Ask students to
identify what they see, talk about the Image Card, and share what
they learned from the read-aloud about gods and goddesses in
ancient Egypt. Tell students that you are going to place the Image
Card on the Civilizations Chart to help them remember that the
ancient Egyptians believed in many, many gods.

Egyptian gods and goddesses 15 minutes
You may wish to talk about and show images of different gods
and goddesses that the people of ancient Egypt believed in.
Stress that the religion of ancient Egypt had many, many gods
and goddesses. (See the web resources in Notes to Teacher for a
starting place to obtain information about the Egyptian gods and

Domain-Related Trade Book 20 minutes

  • Refer to the list of recommended trade books in the Introduction
    at the front of this Supplemental Guide, and choose one trade
    book related to life along the Nile River or Egyptian gods and
    goddesses to read aloud to the class.

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