Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 13A | Three World Religions 231

You are going to learn a little bit about three of the many
different religions practiced in the world today.^3 The oldest of the
three religions that you will learn about is called Judaism. The
second one is called Christianity. And the third religion is called
Islam. All three of these religions had their beginnings in an area of
the world known as the Middle East.
 Show image 13A-4: Map of Middle East, highlighting Jerusalem
In fact, all three religions call the city of Jerusalem a holy, or
sacred, city.^4

 Show image 13A-5: The Western Wall 5
People who practice Judaism—Jewish people—worship at
many places, including a place known as the Western Wall. This is
the only remaining support wall that was part of the ancient temple
in Jerusalem on the western side of the Temple Mount. That is
why it is called “the Western Wall.” Because this site is so holy to
Jewish people, sometimes when people pray there, they get very
emotional as they worship, leading some people to refer to this
wall by its nickname, “the Wailing Wall.”^6
 Show image 13A-6: Church of the Holy Sepulchre 7
Christians, people who practice Christianity, worship at many
places, including a place known as the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre. A sepulchre is a place where dead people are placed.
This church is the main Christian shrine 8 in Jerusalem.
 Show image 13A-7: Dome of the Rock 9
Muslims, people who practice Islam, worship at many places,
including a place known as the Dome of the Rock. Made of marble
and tile, this is the oldest complete example of an Islamic building
that is still standing today.

3 [Stop briefl y after each name,
citing its inclusion on the chart
or adding it if it is not there.
Also, point to the symbol in the
image associated with each of the
religions, proceeding from left to

4 [Point to Jerusalem on the map.
Remind students about the two
ancient civilizations, Mesopotamia
and ancient Egypt, that they
have already studied. Review the
location of these two civilizations.]

6 Wailing means crying or sobbing.

7 What things catch your eye about
this building?

8 or sacred place of worship

5 What do you see in this picture?

9 What things catch your eye about
this building?

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