Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 13B| Three World Religions 235

Extensions 20 minutes

Three-Column Chart: Three World Religions (Instructional
Master 13B-1)

  • Show students the comparison chart you have prepared. Explain
    that you are going to use this chart to talk about the next three
    Note: Tell students that you are going to write down what they say
    on the chart, but that they are not expected to be able to read what
    you write because they are still learning all the rules for decoding.
    Emphasize that you are writing what they say so that you don’t forget,
    and tell them that you will read the words to them.

  • For today’s purposes, fi rst present students with the structure of
    the chart so that they have an idea of what they will be learning
    in subsequent lessons. Explain that Judaism, Christianity, and
    Islam are alike in one way. Ask students to help you fi ll out the
    fi rst row, Number of Gods, for each religion.

  • Then, introduce the remaining characteristics along the vertical
    axis, explaining that the three religions are different in many
    ways. Tell them that they will help you fi ll in the rest of the chart
    as they learn more about each religion in the coming lessons.
    ➶ Above and Beyond: If students are able, you may want to have
    them fi ll in their own charts using Instructional Master 13B-1.
    NUMBER OF GODS one one one
    NAME OF FOLLOWERS Jewish people Christians Muslims
    PEOPLE Abraham, Moses Jesus Muhammad
    NAME OF HOLY BOOK Tor a h Bible Q ur’a n
    IMPORTANT HOLIDAY Passover Easter, Christmas Ramadan
    INTERESTING FACT Answers may vary. Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

Three World Religions
13 B
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