Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

256 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 15A | Christianity

Presenting the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

 Show image 15A-1: Peter
Today is Easter, one of the most important holidays in
Christianity. My name is Peter and I am a Christian, a follower of
Jesus.^1 Miriam is my good friend. I know that she has already told
you a little bit about her religion, Judaism. Well, Christianity grew
out of Judaism. In fact, Jesus was Jewish.
 Show image 15A-2: Moses
Remember how Moses freed the Jewish people and led them
back to “the promised land” of Canaan, or Israel? Well, long after
that, the Jewish people again struggled to be free. Their land
had been conquered and ruled by Roman soldiers. They were no
longer free. They prayed for a Messiah, or savior, who would bring
peace and justice to the world. They thought this would include
freedom from Roman rule. It was at this time that Jesus was born.
Some Jewish people believed that Jesus was the Messiah for
whom they prayed.^2
 Show image 15A-3: Jesus, born to Mary and Joseph in a manger 3
Jesus was a holy leader and a special teacher. Christians today
believe Jesus is the Messiah, sent to save the people here on
Earth. Christians also believe that Jesus is the son of God.

 Show image 15A-4: Jesus preaching
Jesus spent long hours teaching people about God’s love
for them and instructing them to be kind to one another. Jesus
seemed to care about everybody—the rich and the poor, the
healthy and the sick, the good and the bad. He became so popular
with the people that some began to call him the king of the Jewish

1 a prophet who lived long ago

2 So, what did people believe the
Messiah would do?

3 [Explain to students that this
image is not a photograph of the
real Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. It is a
recreated scene, or a reenactment.]

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