Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

258 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 15A | Christianity

 Show image 15A-9: Reenactment of nativity scene 13
Christians also celebrate the birth of Jesus. That day is called
Christmas, which is celebrated on the twenty-fi fth of December.
Christians sometimes act out the nativity scene, when the baby
Jesus was born in a manger.^14

 Show image 15A-10: Three Wise Men
At Christmas, Christians also give presents to one another, just
as the three wise men who visited the baby Jesus when he was
born gave him presents over two thousand years ago. There are
other special days for Christians, but the two biggest celebrations
by far are Christmas and Easter.
 Show image 15A-11: Peter
After Jesus died on the cross, his disciples, or followers,
continued to spread his teachings to others. Today, Christianity
is widely practiced around the world. There are many different
groups of Christians, but they share many of the same practices,
or ways of doing things. Most practicing Christians go to church
on Sunday morning, their day of rest, where they meet to pray
and sing songs. Christians also try to live their lives by the Ten
Commandments.^15 Finally, Christians believe that Jesus is God’s
son and the Messiah, our savior.
Pacem (PAH-chem).^16 Peace be with you.

13 [Explain to students that this
image is not a photograph of actual
people. It is a recreated scene, or a

14 [Point to the illustration.]

15 What are the Ten Commandments?

16 Pacem is a word in Latin; it means

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