Grade 1 - Early world Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4 Early World Civilizations: Supplemental Guide | Introduction

  • The Map of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt (Instructional Master
    1A-1)—is a student copy of a map of the Middle East region. Cities
    and rivers relevant to this domain are labeled or highlighted. Students
    may use their map to identify the areas of Mesopotamia and ancient

  • The Early World Civilizations Charts for Mesopotamia (Instructional
    Master 1B-1) and Ancient Egypt (Instructional Master 5B-1) help
    students follow along with the class Early World Civilizations Chart.
    These charts remind students of the important components of
    civilization and provide students a way to show what they have
    learned about the ancient civilizations presented in the read-alouds.
    Students may wish to cut and paste images from the image sheets
    that go along with the charts (Instructional Masters 1B-2 and 5B-2), or
    they may wish to draw and/or write in the boxes.

  • The Three World Religions Comparison Chart (Instructional Master
    13B-1) is a three-column chart that compares Judaism, Christianity, and
    Islam, three of the world religions that originated in the Mesopotamian
    and Egyptian regions. Some students may be able to fill in this chart on
    their own. Consider pairing students who are not ready to fill out their
    charts independently with those who are able to do so.

  • You may wish to coordinate with the school’s art teacher to create
    an art project related to the contents in this domain, for example,
    creating a replica of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or a large mural
    of the Hanging Gardens; or making papyrus-like paper and painting a
    message on it using hieroglyphs.

Anchor Focus in Early World Civilizations

This chart highlights several Common Core State Standards as well as
relevant academic language associated with the activities in this domain.

Anchor Focus CCSS Description of Focus and Relevant Academic Language
Writing W.1.8 Early World Civilizations Charts; Three World Religions Comparison
Chart: Students will categorize and organize facts from the read-
alouds onto a chart.
Relevant academic language:
chart, row, column, information, components, compare, similarities
Language L.1.1d Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns
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